Die One Tech Group wächst weiter. Künftig will das Unternehmen weitere One-to-Many-Kanäle wie Print und Radio integrieren – und einen besonderen Wachstumsbereich in den Fokus nehmen.

Eine Schlüsselrolle soll künftig die eigene Supply-Side-Plattform SSP1 spielen, die laut dem Unternehmen, das sich bislang vor allem au […]

Quelle: https://www.horizont.net/medien/nachrichten/umstrukturierung-so-will-die-one-tech-group-einen-missing-link-im-werbemarkt-schliessen-217540 [PAID]

One platform, many features.
All in one for your media success!

Create campaigns, store all your creatives and manage your ad activities.
Monetize your inventory programmatically and optimize it in real-time.
Use 1st and 3rd party data to enrich your campaigns and target groups.
Manage your entire DOOH network in one single platform.                          
One to many with One Tech Platform
One Tech Platform is available for DOOH, OOH, Print and Radio publishers. Choose your media channel and learn more about the various offerings, designed to maximize your ad success.


Monetize, manage and optimize your DOOH inventory with one platform.


Sell, analyze and improve your OOH inventory with one platform.


Market, organize and monitor your inventory with one platform.


Sell and optimize your radio inventory programmatically with one platform.